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Pine, Coulter   /   Pinus coulteri

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Description: Pine, Coulter

Coulter Pine - Pinus coulteri (latin)

Geographical origins: California, Northwestern Mexico. Introduced in to Europe in 1832 by D.Douglas.
Adult dimensions: Height up to 20 m, width up to 25 m.
Foliage: Evergreen, needles by 3.
Type of soil: Any, well drained.
Hardiness: Hardy to -15°C.
Exposure: Full sun.

Properties and uses:
This tree is rather slow growing. The male flower is initially scarlet becoming yellow as it opens, the female flower is red. It has large cones that are 30cm long, 10cm wide and weigh 2.5kg. The needles of this pine are very long (up to 25 cm). The bark is crimson brown. This pine has a conical shape when it is young but it spreads out, as it gets bigger. The Coulter pine is generally found in parks and gardens.

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