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Rose Lady Banks' Rosea   /   Rosa banksiae Rosea

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Description: Rose Lady Banks' Rosea

Rose Lady Banks 'Rosea'® - Rosa banksiae 'Rosea'® (latin)

Breeder: Introduced into France in 1807.

Blossom: No Continual flowering.
Flower diameter: 3 cm.
Fragrance: No.
Adult dimensions: Height up to 12 m, width up to 5 m.
Foliage: Evergreen, dark green.

Type of soil: All, except too wet.
Climate: Hardy to -12°C in a sheltered position.
Site: Semi-shade to full sun.
Planting spacing: 1 to 2 m between each plant.

Properties and uses:
The Rose Lady Banks 'Rosea'® has a superb little double bright pink flowers in spring. This spectacular rose can find a home along a wall or fence or even in a container to create a fantastic cascade of flowers on a terrace or balcony.

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